Gary Sieber and Employer Benefits Solutions first came to me in 2009 with an innovative solution to our health insurance renewal that had not been presented by our broker, one of the largest in the Pittsburgh area, at that time. This lower cost solution led to our switching our health insurance to EBS. We have remained with EBS for seven renewal cycles and three different carriers. Gary’s expert guidance and proactive involvement in our account has helped us move thru stages of mini self-funding with high deductible plans in conjunction with an HRA and FSA to our current self-funded plan and associated FSA. Gary also introduced us to TASC as a third party administrator for ERISA compliance who we have been very happy with for several years. He has also helped guide us thru the tangled web of compliance with the Affordable Care Act. Gary is always helpful and accessible and does everything he can to get the job done for us.
Dan Gorenz
I have been a client of Gary’s for years now and I have to say, Gary is one of the most honest and trustworthy businessman I have ever met. He has always been extremely hard working with my best interest in mind. If he doesn’t know the answer to your questions when you ask, he gets back to you immediately with the answers. You can’t go wrong with Gary Sieber and Employee Benefit Solutions. I highly recommend them to anyone!
Timothy W. Gray