1-877-836-2045 gsieber@verizon.net

Employer Benefit Solutions

We are an an independent broker representing all major carriers for insurance. Our focus is on employer/employee benefits and business insuranceHealthcare, Life Insurance, Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability, Dental and Vision Benefits.

We recently partnered with a property and casualty company and have had great success showing clients affordable options while often times increasing coverages.

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Helping Your Business

We have had unbelievable success reviewing company’s insurance programs and provide solutions/guidance while decreasing premiums.
See our Services

Employer Benefit Solutions is an independent broker who represents all major carriersOur focus is on employer/employee benefits and property/casualty insuranceHealthcare, Life Insurance, Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability, Dental and Vision Benefits.

With approximately 2,000 employees under our care in the above lines of business, We have been able to introduce and implement new ideas and concepts. These ideas have significantly reduced costs while often improving the employee’s quality of care. After meeting with employers, they often realize there was not a clear understanding of the alternatives and options available to them. When working with us, you will soon understand the value, and more importantly, see the results. We place a huge emphasis on the education of employees and employers. We show employers the importance of understanding the issues regarding ERISA and FMLA.

Services and Strategic Relationships

See how we can help with your Employer Benefits.
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Employer Benefit Solutions

Employer Benefit Solutions
542 Rugh Street Suite 1000
Greensburg, PA 15601
Cell: 724-699-5113
Toll Free: 1-877-836-2045
Fax: 724-830-8805
Email: gsieber@verizon.net

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